Church was Awesome!!!
I joined without hesitation. It's a small church that my uncle and his fiance attend. This is my youngest uncle (actually a couple of month younger than grandma & mom were bumping bellies...she in her 40's and my mom was 16). We have grown apart over the years but we were very close growing up. He is the younger brother of the two uncles that abused "us" so we share more than one bond.
All I can say is that the service was awesome! At first I was not getting into it....I was put off a little by the fact that the pastor spent about 20 minutes preaching about tithing. You just hit me the wrong way at first. BUT THEN....I felt the holy spirit move in that church!!!! and it touched me in a way that I could not deny. Its a new church...with less than 30 members but they have some gifted folks up in there!!! hear me.... that are anointed with the gift of song and prophetic ministry . The pastors are husband and wife and they are definitely anointed. God spoke through the wife and let me know that this is where I should rest my feet. She called me up to the alter and told me that she had a vision when she saw the expression on my face as her husband preached. I was definitely touched by his sermon on marriage and the sanctity of ones home. Well...she told me that her vision was of me with all these caged birds inside me AND that I had imprisoned my heart in these various cages by not letting folks in because of all the hurt that I have had over the years. She laid hands on me and said that it was time for me to let the birds free.
Y'all I about lost it up in the church when she said that to me. Part of my testimony for the last 30 years has been about how reading Maya Angelou's book, I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings changed my life. Before reading that book I was being very self-destructive. A juvenile delinquent...victim of abuse. The fact that she would use the symbolism of caged birds is beyond a coincidence. She could have said anything else of a generic nature AND I would have just let it go on by. The Lord knows my searching and I strongly feel that it was a sign that I need look no further for a church home. There are going to be issues no matter where I go so I might as well stay here and collect my spiritual check (Thanks Ziggy
On faith, I joined the church yesterday. You know what really sealed it for me. When we left church, both my girls made comments about how they liked it. The fact that there was no children's program and we all were in the same room...made me know that this is really it!!! My kids were touched as well by the spirit not by the allure of coloring, games or treats. Even though...I know its a need. The pastors both commented that a children's room and ministry is the next step. Again its a new church, currently held in an office suite...but there is a mission to build a physical I am coming in on the ground floor of something amazing. I feel it! They do believe in teaching from the hopefully I will learn through challenge and discussion, "The Truth". Bible study is every Weds night.
I won't have a problem giving my 10%. I know its going to be used to build a strong foundation for this ministry. I just wanted to share. I feel wonderful today...still a sinner but trying to grow closer to God.
Here is a link:
My uncle and his fiance had dinner with the girls and I. My uncle and I spoke extensively about a lot of things yesterday AND today. We helped each other move towards healing. He was the only one...I really trusted growing up. He has grown so much. I think we may be on the path to growing closer again. GOD is GOOD all the time!!!
All I can say is that the service was awesome! At first I was not getting into it....I was put off a little by the fact that the pastor spent about 20 minutes preaching about tithing. You just hit me the wrong way at first. BUT THEN....I felt the holy spirit move in that church!!!! and it touched me in a way that I could not deny. Its a new church...with less than 30 members but they have some gifted folks up in there!!! hear me.... that are anointed with the gift of song and prophetic ministry . The pastors are husband and wife and they are definitely anointed. God spoke through the wife and let me know that this is where I should rest my feet. She called me up to the alter and told me that she had a vision when she saw the expression on my face as her husband preached. I was definitely touched by his sermon on marriage and the sanctity of ones home. Well...she told me that her vision was of me with all these caged birds inside me AND that I had imprisoned my heart in these various cages by not letting folks in because of all the hurt that I have had over the years. She laid hands on me and said that it was time for me to let the birds free.
Y'all I about lost it up in the church when she said that to me. Part of my testimony for the last 30 years has been about how reading Maya Angelou's book, I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings changed my life. Before reading that book I was being very self-destructive. A juvenile delinquent...victim of abuse. The fact that she would use the symbolism of caged birds is beyond a coincidence. She could have said anything else of a generic nature AND I would have just let it go on by. The Lord knows my searching and I strongly feel that it was a sign that I need look no further for a church home. There are going to be issues no matter where I go so I might as well stay here and collect my spiritual check (Thanks Ziggy

On faith, I joined the church yesterday. You know what really sealed it for me. When we left church, both my girls made comments about how they liked it. The fact that there was no children's program and we all were in the same room...made me know that this is really it!!! My kids were touched as well by the spirit not by the allure of coloring, games or treats. Even though...I know its a need. The pastors both commented that a children's room and ministry is the next step. Again its a new church, currently held in an office suite...but there is a mission to build a physical I am coming in on the ground floor of something amazing. I feel it! They do believe in teaching from the hopefully I will learn through challenge and discussion, "The Truth". Bible study is every Weds night.
I won't have a problem giving my 10%. I know its going to be used to build a strong foundation for this ministry. I just wanted to share. I feel wonderful today...still a sinner but trying to grow closer to God.
Here is a link:
My uncle and his fiance had dinner with the girls and I. My uncle and I spoke extensively about a lot of things yesterday AND today. We helped each other move towards healing. He was the only one...I really trusted growing up. He has grown so much. I think we may be on the path to growing closer again. GOD is GOOD all the time!!!
Praise HIM!!! Yes, God is good all the time. Of course it was no coincidence. God has been knocking on your heart for awhile and thank you for being obedient and listening. I knew that you would be led to your spiritual home and your spiritual parents. Under them, God will teach you and grow you. I'm so happy for you!!!!
I think people trip when a pastor starts talking about tithing. Malachi 3:10 talks about tithing and why it's so important. Listen, it all belongs to God anyway. He only lets us use it. Tithing is a show of a obedient heart. God does not need our cash, but His church does. People don't realize, when you "bring all the tithes into the storehouse (church) so that there is meat in mine house " ( meaning, so that my church has supplies/funds to work with and my priests are cared for) as Malachi 3:10 says, that money is used to fund so many things such as providing meals or toys at Christmas to needy families or helping families pay there rent or electric bills. Tithing also insures that the church building is taken care of. Light bills and heating bills have to be paid in a church too. And yes, a Pastors job is to care for his flock. People do not realize what a HUGE job that really is, even in a small church. People are worried that a money hungry preacher is going to steal their money. SO WHAT IF HE DOES?!! You have done your part. God sees YOUR heart and knows you were obedient. He will take care of a crooked preacher with a quickness. I can't tell you how many I have seen fall. I have also seen mighty men called of God, who lead God's flock as they are called to do and it humbles me every time!
Malachi goes on to say that when we bring all the tithes into the storehouse, God will open a window of heaven and pour you out a blessings to large for you to receive or handle. We all need God's blessings and personally, having too many to handle is what I'm shooting for.
MD, I am SO happy for you. God is going to mighty things with you.
I think people trip when a pastor starts talking about tithing. Malachi 3:10 talks about tithing and why it's so important. Listen, it all belongs to God anyway. He only lets us use it. Tithing is a show of a obedient heart. God does not need our cash, but His church does. People don't realize, when you "bring all the tithes into the storehouse (church) so that there is meat in mine house " ( meaning, so that my church has supplies/funds to work with and my priests are cared for) as Malachi 3:10 says, that money is used to fund so many things such as providing meals or toys at Christmas to needy families or helping families pay there rent or electric bills. Tithing also insures that the church building is taken care of. Light bills and heating bills have to be paid in a church too. And yes, a Pastors job is to care for his flock. People do not realize what a HUGE job that really is, even in a small church. People are worried that a money hungry preacher is going to steal their money. SO WHAT IF HE DOES?!! You have done your part. God sees YOUR heart and knows you were obedient. He will take care of a crooked preacher with a quickness. I can't tell you how many I have seen fall. I have also seen mighty men called of God, who lead God's flock as they are called to do and it humbles me every time!
Malachi goes on to say that when we bring all the tithes into the storehouse, God will open a window of heaven and pour you out a blessings to large for you to receive or handle. We all need God's blessings and personally, having too many to handle is what I'm shooting for.
MD, I am SO happy for you. God is going to mighty things with you.
Hi Glam,
Yes...thats exactly what the pastor said and the scripture she quoted about tithing. I agree that tithes are what support the church AND I have never had an issue with it...unless I get the feeling that the money is being sqaundered BUT I definitely see your point....and I quote, "So what if he does?
Thinking about it that way really does take a load off when you really think about one less way that the negative thoughts can influence ones feelings about being in the house of the Lord. He or she will have to be accountable to themselves and to God. My uncle said something similar but I did not understand what he was saying until you just paraphrased to a certain degree his feelings about it as well.
I remember when I did tithe respectively to the church....blessings and unexpected cash would just fall into my lap. I remember that it used to trip me out. I plan to be obedient & support the church.
Yes...thats exactly what the pastor said and the scripture she quoted about tithing. I agree that tithes are what support the church AND I have never had an issue with it...unless I get the feeling that the money is being sqaundered BUT I definitely see your point....and I quote, "So what if he does?
Thinking about it that way really does take a load off when you really think about one less way that the negative thoughts can influence ones feelings about being in the house of the Lord. He or she will have to be accountable to themselves and to God. My uncle said something similar but I did not understand what he was saying until you just paraphrased to a certain degree his feelings about it as well.
I remember when I did tithe respectively to the church....blessings and unexpected cash would just fall into my lap. I remember that it used to trip me out. I plan to be obedient & support the church.

THANKS FOR THIS POST! I'm so glad that God moved in your life and that you took such a big step in reconnecting with the church. I agree with Glamazon- what's done with the funds in the church after they leave our hands is out of our hands. I'm so impressed that God chose your Pastor's wife to speak to you in such a way that you would KNOW without a doubt that it was from him. HE IS AWESOME IN EVERY WAY!
Hi CocoaKeke!
Yes...God is awesome...I am just so glad that I was able to find it within myself to find my way back. It felt so good to be in Church this Sunday...rather than rolling over sleeping AND having my girls sleep in. I was feeling so guilty by not letting them experience the soothing feelings that can come from being in church. My oldest has been in a SO much more positive frame of mind since.
Glory to God is all I can say.
Yes...God is awesome...I am just so glad that I was able to find it within myself to find my way back. It felt so good to be in Church this Sunday...rather than rolling over sleeping AND having my girls sleep in. I was feeling so guilty by not letting them experience the soothing feelings that can come from being in church. My oldest has been in a SO much more positive frame of mind since.
Glory to God is all I can say.
Congrats on finding a spiritual home. I went to a differnt Mass yesterday. One I will often skip cause I can't stand the out of control parents, I don't blame the kids.
Well, I heard something adressed to me there . Called my issue by name. In a parish of 5000 families you can say if you throw enough **** against the wall some is bound to stick. But in that moment, I heard just what I needed to hear. That's all that maters. That's what spiritual home is about.
This is wonderful for you, your girls and your uncle. Families need each other and the common spiritual bond is beautiful.
Well, I heard something adressed to me there . Called my issue by name. In a parish of 5000 families you can say if you throw enough **** against the wall some is bound to stick. But in that moment, I heard just what I needed to hear. That's all that maters. That's what spiritual home is about.
This is wonderful for you, your girls and your uncle. Families need each other and the common spiritual bond is beautiful.
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous

OMG....that was too funny. I like the way you look at it though AND you are so does'nt matter how the message came about...its the fact that it touched me in the right way and at the right time. I feel so positive AND not so lost any more. It feels good to have a spiritual home rather than wandering out there in limbo searching. I am glad you had a positive experience too OA.